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* Trainings are conducted in English

Ireneusz Budzowski, Technical Support Expert, has been part of the ALUPROF brand for twelve years.
As part of ALU-ACADEMY, he organizes and conducts a series of technical trainings in the field of ALUPROF systems and software for calculating aluminum joinery, Logikal and MB-CAD programs.
He is also actively involved in conducting courses for international clients of the company on a wide range of topics in the construction industry.
Privately, he is passionate about mountain climbing, photography and travel.

Aleksandra Baksik - for 15 years associated with the Aluprof brand. She gathered experience during project cooperation on Aluprof's export markets, including Great Britain, the Netherlands and the USA. Sustainable Development Leader. She enjoy learning how the latest business developments can affect the present and the future of our planet and society.
Clean technology and sustainability enthusiast. Supporter of Corporate Social Responsibility - believes that harmony between the world of business and the world of nature is possible while remaining real values. Privately: traveller as well as architecture, nature, music, yoga and bicycles lover.

Viktor Kryvenko, Development Manager Fire Protective Solutions. He is a part of the Aluprof team for seven years. He is involved in the development process of new fire-rated solutions and products, their certification, sales, and promotion.
Knowledge about Aluprof’s fire-rated solution portfolio, international legislation requirements for fire-rated products, and sales experience let Viktor’s provide top-level support to the company’s clients.
In his free time, he is a husband, father of two kids, passionate about traveling, sailing, cooking, and fine food…

Magdalena Plocica is the Head of BIM Technology Department at Aluprof
SA. She has been associated with the Aluprof brand for 7 years.
Magdalena provides BIM solutions for architects and investors, and as an
architect, she designs showrooms for the Aluprof headquarters and its
international subsidiaries. Since joining Aluprof, she has fully engaged
in BIM and digital engineering, creating Aluprof BIM and CAD standards, as
well as managing a team of specialists preparing and designing BIM content
for architects for various platforms.
Privately - passionate about Japanese kimono, architecture and
calligraphy, bookworm and candle maker.
Believes in working for effects, not for show.

Katarzyna Aleksandrowicz, junior BIM specialist, works in the Opole branch of ALUPROF. Her
duties include implementation of BIM technology and creating product libraries for shading
devices systems in Revit. Additionally, she is involved in conducting trainings and
presentations promoting the use of BIM by manufacturers.
She is interested in science and the world that surrounds her, which is why she continues to
acquire new skills. She spends her free time on architecture and art, engaging in artistic

Ireneusz Budzowski, a technical support expert, has been a part of the ALUPROF brand for ten years. He is involved in technical training courses focused on ALUPROF’s systems and on software for aluminium joinery calculations.
His brief covers running courses for the company’s international clients, as well. In his free time, he is not only an ardent mountaineer, but also enjoys photography and travelling.

Ireneusz Budzowski, a technical support expert, has been a part of the ALUPROF brand for ten years. He is involved in technical training courses focused on ALUPROF’s systems and on software for aluminium joinery calculations.
His brief covers running courses for the company’s international clients, as well. In his free time, he is not only an ardent mountaineer, but also enjoys photography and travelling.

Aleksandra Baksik - for 15 years associated with the Aluprof brand. She gathered experience during project cooperation on Aluprof's export markets, including Great Britain, the Netherlands and the USA. Sustainable Development Leader. She enjoy learning how the latest business developments can affect the present and the future of our planet and society.
Clean technology and sustainability enthusiast. Supporter of Corporate Social Responsibility - believes that harmony between the world of business and the world of nature is possible while remaining real values. Privately: traveller as well as architecture, nature, music, yoga and bicycles lover.

Łukasz Gruszewski - Product Manager for export, has been a part of the ALUPROF brand for five years.
He is involved in product development of ALUPROF’s systems.
As the second role in ALUPROF, he is responsible for sales on Canadian Market.
In his free time, he is a guitar player and music producer.

Katarzyna Aleksandrowicz, junior BIM specialist, works in the Opole branch of ALUPROF. Her duties include implementation of BIM technology and creating product libraries for shading devices systems in Revit. Additionally, she is involved in conducting trainings and presentations promoting the use of BIM by manufacturers.
She is interested in science and the world that surrounds her, which is why she continues to acquire new skills. She spends her free time on architecture and art, engaging in artistic events.

Julia Orzechowska, a jr. Building Information Modeling Specialist, is involved in creation and management of Aluprof’s BIM libraries. She is working mostly in Autodesk Revit® focusing on curtain walls and window&door systems.
Having studied in countries that are leaders in BIM implementation, she is sharing the theoretical knowledge of BIM and technical software skills during training courses. In her free time, she enjoys drawing and horse-back riding.

Viktor Kryvenko, Development Manager Fire Protective Solutions. He is a part of the Aluprof team for seven years. He is involved in the development process of new fire-rated solutions and products, their certification, sales, and promotion.
Knowledge about Aluprof’s fire-rated solution portfolio, international legislation requirements for fire-rated products, and sales experience let Viktor’s provide top-level support to the company’s clients.
In his free time, he is a husband, father of two kids, passionate about traveling, sailing, cooking, and fine food…
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WAlu-Edukator Webinarium
LOGIKALComputer workshop on the LogiKal MB-SOFT programme
MB-CADComputer workshop on the MB-CAD programme
KConference for ALUPROF SA Sales Partners
ASeminar for architects
PATraining course for ALUPROF staff members
OTraining course for roller shutter, garage door, industrial door and commercial gate manufacturers
PTraining course for window, door and façade manufacturers
AWebinar for architects
ASWebinar for architects and manufacturers
SWebinar for manufacturers
RWebinar for roller shutter, garage door, industrial door and commercial gate manufacturers
PWebinar for window, door and façade manufacturers
LOGIKALWebinar on using the LogiKal MB-SOFT programme
MB-CADWebinar on using the MB-CAD programme