MB-86US ST Concealed window system

Air tightness

class 4 | PN-EN 12207:2001


class E1350 | PN-EN 12208:2001

Wind tightness

class C5/B5 | PN-EN 12210:2001

Our projects

  • The MB-86US system is designed to offer a wide range of windows, balcony doors, porches, shop windows and spatial structures to assist a new or existing build. The system is characterised with excellent thermal and acoustic insulation with high levels of air and water tightness.

    Featuring a vent frame which sits within, and hidden by the outerframe, the sightlines of the window between fixed and opening vent are the same.

    With a sightline of just 75 mm the open in vent adds just a 10 mm sightline which takes the form of a black gasket once closed. With fixed lights of the same framing sightline the final appearance offers a clean perspective. A wide range of glazing thicknesses of up to 60 mm enables the system to carry triple glazed units, acoustic or high security glazing.

    The MB-86US system meets requirements concerning energy conservation and environmental protection. The structure of the profile is similar to the MB-86 system and has three variants depending on requirements of thermal insulation, MB-86US ST, MB-86US SI and MB-86US AERO which utilises aerogel insulation.

    The system offers the ability to be made into large opening lights with maximum dimensions of 1,600 mm width and 2,300 mm height with an opening vent weight of 150 kg.

    Technical parameters:

    • Air permeability: Class 4, PN-EN 12207:2001
    • Water tightness: Class E1350, PN-EN 12208:2001
    • Wind load resistance: to Class C5/B5, PN-EN 12210:2001

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