MB-DPA Automatically and manually operated sliding doors
max. door leaf width
3,0 m
max. door leaf weight
200 kg
Sliding doors provide an aesthetic, safe and comfortable solution for their users. In view of their properties they find application both in small objects, as well as in large office buildings and shopping centres. The construction of the MB-DPA system enables execution of doors in two variants: they may be built of thermally insulated profiles belonging to the MB-59S Casement, MB-79N Casement system or from profiles without a thermal break, which are a part of the MB-45 system. Among assets of this solution are large allowable dimensions and weight of the construction: the leaves may be up to 3000 mm wide and weigh up to 200 kg.
The structural depth of the sections is 70 mm for thermally insulated profiles and 45 mm for profiles without insulation. MB-DPA sliding doors can function in various types of buildings: individually mounted directly to the wall, in glazed internal walls of the MB-45 system, in MB-SR50N and MB-TT50 aluminium and glass façades, or in display cases, made depending on the thermal insulation requirements from system profiles: MB-59S, MB-60, MB-79N, MB-86 or MB-86N. Aluprof window and door systems include a series of wide profiles of battens and frames, which enable the installation of most of the sliding door operators available on the market. Door control mechanisms can be selected with great freedom, regardless of the type of building.
A wide range of panels
Depending on the version and needs, the door leaves can be filled with single or composite glass, or with non-transparent panels. The range of panel thicknesses is from 1 mm to 56 mm.
Comfort and safety of use
Thanks to their principle of operation, sliding doors save space and ensure safety of use, and in the automatically opened version, they give users full comfort of using the passage without architectural barriers. Due to the lack of a threshold, such doors assembled in the external development should be protected against direct action of rainwater. This system enables the construction of doors with a ‘safety gap’ of 8 mm, in accordance with the requirements of EN 16005.