
ALUPROF Awarded With the Golden Consumer Quality Leader

ALUPROF has been awarded with a gold emblem in the fifth edition of the prestigious competition Quality Leader 2015, in the category "Profiles & Alumium Systems", conducted by the editorial staff of Strefy Gospodarki, a nationalwide, independent supplement distributed with the Polish newspaper Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. Consumers satisfaction and positive feelings about ALUPROF products make this award even more valuable for the company.

The Consumer Quality Leader aims at selecting the best brands and companies operating on the Polish market, and this from the consumer’s perspective. A golden emblem in the category: “Profiles & Aluminium Systems” was awarded to ALUPROF S.A., placing the company on the top of the ranking. The award confirms that Aluprof products are the most popular and the most trusted by customers. A worldwide scope of Aluprof’s activities, high quality products and professional service are at the heart of our customers’ choice. – We are extremely pleased that consumers appreciate ALUPROF products in whose design and production we put our heart and soul. It is through hard work we have become a leader in our industry. This is recognised by numerous awards, including the gold emblem in the Consumer Quality Leader ranking – says Tomasz Grela, Board President.

With 10,400 respondents involved, the Consumer Quality Leaders survey evaluates and assess mainly two parameters: the degree of recognition of products or services, and the loyalty to a particular manufacturer or service provider. The mixed analysis method chosen for the survey made the results even more accurate, objective and professional, and consisted of questionnaire-base survey (expert survey on the qualification of brands in product categories), pilot survey (on a randomly selected group of consumers), face-to-face interviews with consumers (with the participation of the researcher) and CAWI-based opinions (conducted on-line).

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