
ALUPROF Is the WPROST Magazine’s "Polish Cheetah"

According to the “Polish Cheetahs” ranking, ALUPROF S.A. is Poland’s third fastest growing company. WPROST magazine journalists in charge of the listing have verified revenue growth, return on sales and equity of domestic companies.

This second edition of the ranking "Polish Cheetahs" organized by "Wprost" magazine comes up with a list of the 200 largest domestically-owned companies. The listing focuses on non-financial companies which generated the greatest net profit in 2015.

The winning companies stood out not only for their revenue growth, but also for the efficiency of their operations. In this year’s edition, ALUPROF S.A. was ranked in third place. The company's revenue increased by more than 20% compared to the previous year, thus exceeding MPLN 855. This was the best year in the company's history.

In 2015, ALUPROF S.A. completed a number of contracts for the supply of systems FOR THE MOST PRESTIGIOUS PROJECTS IN POLAND, i.a. the Mieczyslaw Karlowicz Szczecin Philharmonic or Karolkowa Business Park office buildings in Warsaw. – Our company has also a strong performance in international markets. Our systems are used in i.a. Lexington Avenue office building and LIC Marriot hotel in New York. Referrals from external markets are very important to us, it is our priority is to DEVELOP SALES OF OUR ALUMINIUM SYSTEMS in the export markets – says Mr. Tomasz Grela, CEO of ALUPROF S.A.
