
ALUPROF SA launches its ESG policy

Concern for the environment, people’s well-being and corporate governance are all important aspects of, and a vital presence in, ALUPROF’s development thus far. The company is planning both to continue its chosen strategy in these spheres and to intensify the activities which are part of it by launching an environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) policy.

ESG is a concept which turns a company’s attention to taking action in three areas; environmental protection concerns, social concerns and corporate governance concerns. ALUPROF’s ESG policy seeks to reduce negative impacts on the climate, create a better space for living and ensure the responsible growth of the company. Activities in these spheres have long been a part of its modus operandi. Now, though, with a view to ensuring that its actions are even more effective, the company has written the entire concept into its strategic economic goals for 2021-2025.

To put the ESG policy into practice and ensure its efficacy, each aspect has been divided into strategic pillars which outline the directions to be taken by the company in its activities.

Environmental responsibility

Our environmental concerns are:

  1. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  2. Developing recycling processes and effective waste management in all our areas of activity.
  3. Innovativeness and the development of products, services and processes which respond to the challenges of climate change.

Social engagement

Our social concerns are:

  1. The health and safety of our staff.
  2. Employer appeal; building the image of an innovative sector which attracts talent.
  3. Supporting local communities.
  4. Working to help socially vulnerable people.
  5. Developing the notion of education through sport as a tool both to encourage young people to be physically active and to combat obesity, a twenty-first century disease of civilisation.

A professional business

Our corporate governance concerns are:

  1. Focusing on the company’s vision and values.
  2. Sharing the profits we earn with a wide stakeholder group.
  3. Observing human rights, combating corruption and working to a responsible environmental policy across a wide supply chain.

ALUPROF’s vision for itself is to fulfil a role as a world-class company which ensures the development of its staff members, uses natural resources efficiently, is actively concerned with safety and environmental protection and has long-term economic value. It intends to continue to be guided by values such as moral standards, ethics and business culture, social responsibility and innovative solutions.

World-renowned architectural designs feature our innovative solutions, which are created with sustainable and planet-friendly building firmly in mind. The quality of those buildings is confirmed by the fact that they have been awarded the most important sustainability certificates, including BREEAM, LEED, DGNB and Well. As part of carrying out its ESG policy, ALUPROF aims to continue developing in this direction and to achieve a twenty per cent increase in the share of its solutions used in certified buildings by 2025.

That same year is the cut-off point for another goal, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. With a manufacturing process which uses our cutting-edge plant and a high content of secondary raw materials in the form of recycled aluminium scrap at an average level of sixty-five percent, we have significantly reduced our carbon dioxide emissions. Calculated per ton of products, the low-emission billets from the LOW CARBON KĘTY line total 2.79 tCO2e. Around the world, the average value of this parameter is 16.7 tCO2e.

ALUPROF plans further reductions to its negative impact on the environment by cutting another fifteen per cent from its greenhouse gas emissions by 2025. The changes in our processing and functioning are designed to have a positive effect on our attainment of our overriding goal, which is to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

People are also an integral part of ALUPROF’s ESG. Our strategic operations will be guided by the well-being of our staff and local communities. The plan incorporates efforts to increase safety and achieve a zero incidence of accidents. Another goal is to enhance the company’s status as an attractive employer. The benchmark for this is a reduction in staff turnover of five per cent per year. In addition, the strategy calls for one hundred per cent of our suppliers to be covered by our Code of Conduct for Suppliers and for us to carry out one hundred and fifty projects supporting local communities.

Małgorzata Wojtasik, our Chief Sales Officer and a member of the ALUPROF SA management board expands on the topic:

You can’t create a vision for a company on the basis of your own economic interests alone. Bringing our experience into play, we have designed our current strategic and conceptual principles to take into account a number of things, including what we, as a company, want to represent and the values which will guide all our spheres of activity, so that the cities and towns we play a part in creating will function on the basis of transparent principles of business ethics and human relationships. In our view, it’s crucial for our new strategies to include what’s really essential... concern for people and the environment. 
