
Aluprof’s strengths – Interview with Mr. Tomasz Grela, Aluprof S.A. Board President, published in the latest issue of Builder magazine.

Aluprof’s strengths

Grzegorz Przepiórka talks to Tomasz Grela, President of the Management Board of Aluprof S.A.

Grzegorz Przepiórka: Our conversation is taking place a proverbial 5 minutes before the announcement of the winners of the competition “Building of the year in Aluprof systems". Even without disclosing the winners, you can probably still sum up things up. What do you think of the whole venture?

Tomasz Grela: We were more than pleased to have had such a large number of entries–this goes to show that more and more innovative and bold projects are being created in our country. 54 buildings have qualified for the second stage of the competition, including the History of Polish Jews Museum in Warsaw, the National Stadium and the SKY Tower in Wrocław. Owing to this competition these projects will reach a wider segment of the general public, and this pleases us. Furthermore, we will get to know which of the buildings recently constructed in our country the professional jury has favoured, and which internet users like the most.

G.P.: The competition is also an occasion to strengthen relations with architects, although for Aluprof contact with this environment is a day to day occurrence. So, how do you cooperate with architects on a daily basis? What do architects expect nowadays?

T.G.: Yes, that’s true. They put their whole trust in us. We have devoted a lot of time to convincing them that Polish products can be of a good quality. The architects milieu is a very creative and original professional group, therefore cooperation with them is an inspirational experience for us. Nowadays, an architect expects challenges above all – assignments where they will feel fulfilled – and a certain dose of artistic liberty. Working with projects on a daily basis entails a compromise between an architect’s artistic ambitions and the investor’s expectations and contractor’s capabilities.

G.P.: How can you reconcile the original – so to speak, artistic – visions of architects with reality? As far as we are aware, according to certain information, you don’t have a problem with creating extremely individual solutions for this group of clients.

T.G.: Everything depends on dialogue and mutual understanding. We are conscious of their artistic flair, which must find its outlet, nevertheless architects must also understand the technical possibilities of our products. Our strength lies in planning individual solutions for systems adapted to the needs of a given building. Architects praise our company for its flexibility in approach to their visions. This is one of our strengths which has allowed us to build up such a strong position in this segment.

G.P.: And now, can I ask a more general question: what is your opinion of contemporary Polish architecture? What would you criticise in it? and which architectural ideas that have been constructed do you favour?

T.G.: Personally, I’m beginning to like it more and more, but I’m not an architect and therefore it’s not an expert’s opinion. The fact is, that we know many talented Polish architects who become popular and are renowned in Poland and worldwide, and the buildings they create considerably change the surrounding landscape.

G.P.: Judging by the number of entries received in the competition, architects seem to like aluminium. Is that really the case? What have you been able to conclude from conversations? What are the qualities of this these materials which they particularly value?

T.G.: It’s true, architects increasingly value the properties of aluminium. It’s an ideal material to create their concepts. It’s light and unusually flexible, and also has good endurance parameters. It is durable and fully recyclable. It can take on any shape or colour, and because of the appropriate solutions, has also excellent thermal parameters.

G.P.: Aluminium in itself is not a guarantee of success. You have to skillfully adapt it to specific solutions and attract the client’s interest, in other words, be better than others. Why do clients choose Aluprof?

T.G.: We offer above all a very wide range of products. Clients here and also abroad appreciate products which have very good properties and have been tested. But the product is not everything. For years we have been successfully building up our brand. We assure clients trade and technical support of the highest level. Our flexible approach at each stage of the cooperation – from the beginning of a new project right through to the logistics services – means that the client has opted for cooperation with a strong partner in an established market position, who is able to meet the client’s comprehensive needs. That is why we have been a market leader for years.

G.P.: What new Aluprof solutions have appeared or will appear shortly on the market?

T.G.: Recently we added several new items to our offer. Above all, a new windows system MB-104 Passive, which has obtained a certificate from the Institute of Passive Housing in Darmstadt. The product combines extensive technical potential, excellent thermal protection and aesthetics. The new systems for segmented facades, a constantly expanding range of generally resistant products and systems for construction of interior walls are only some of the products in our constantly expanding range on offer. We have also expanded our offer to include an infill for panel doors based on the well known MB-86 system.

G.P.: On the subject of solutions, it would be worth mentioning the direction in which the construction industry is heading, namely energy saving. How does Aluprof shape up in this area? As far as I know, apart from the Passive system, there are two other solutions, which recently received certificates from the Institute of Passive Buildings in Darmstadt.

T.G.: Yes, roller blinds are incorporated in systems SP and SP-E. The roller blinds box 165 received a certificate from the Institute of Passive Housing– this is the first PHI certificate for a Polish firm in this product group. So we can say that we are forging new paths in the Polish market.

G.P.: What is needed to supply such solutions on the market? Let’s begin with the idea. What R&D potential is available in Aluprof?

T.G.: Aluprof , without doubts, places a strong emphasis on constant development and maintaining the highest level of products and services. Investments in innovative technologies and modern machine park guarantee solid and durable products and client satisfaction. Creative work in the construction department, which creates “revolutionary” solutions of new products, plays a part in this. In addition, it takes into account the comments and guidelines from users, conducts research and supervises the quality of production at every stage of the manufacturing.

G.P.: In fact, we should start with people, though I have the impression that this has now become a cliché. Can you really prove Aluprof’s potential is in its people.

T.G.: I think there’s no need to prove that. I always say that its people who are the company’s capital. Without committed, well qualified employees there would be no continuous development in Aluprof. Today we have over a thousand employees. The market opinion about our company regarding the highest quality trade service, technical support and marketing campaigns is proof that our employees are the real “heart and brains” of the company.

G.P.: The company has solid workplace facilities: a modern machinery park, it has its own paint shop, logistics. Are there any plans in the near future for any substantial investment in this area?

T.G.: Investments are an integral part of Aluprof’s development. We have a new production and warehouse hall with a surface area of over 16.5 thousand m2, therefore are better able to cater to our client’s needs and ensure them more efficient logistics. This year we commenced construction on another hall with a surface area of over 1.8 thousand m2, where at the beginning of the year there will be a new paint shop functioning vertically. The Kęty Group has accepted a proposal to build a new press in Kęty. I just wanted to add that in view of Aluprof’s current extremely favorable position, we decided to build a new registered office, and have announced a tender for this project.

G.P.: Let’s change the subject now. A distinct increase in activity on the market is noticeable. Is this boom also noticeable in Aluprof? Are the results after the first six months satisfying?

T.G.: More than just satisfactory. We are pleased with the growth in revenue of almost 25% and profit by over 30% and we look to the future with peace of mind.

G.P.: What are your views on the few months in 2014 which are still to come? What are the expectations as for the results of the end of the year, and also the forecast and mood regarding new investments, financed from EU funds?

T.G.: Obviously we expect further increase in revenue. Working in two segments and the dynamic development of sales on export markets allow us diversity of risk connected with any turbulence on the domestic market. Therefore we will take advantage of the current favourable period in our branch and will try to obtain the largest pool of the planned investments possible.

G.P.: Apart from the Polish market, Aluprof is active on several other foreign markets. What’s the situation geographically as to the company’s expense? What portion of the company’s results come from exports?

T.G.: I think that towards the end of the year our exports will be in the range of 40% of sales. We export to the majority of European countries, but not only those. We provide services for these markets through seven of our companies in Europe and by direct sales from Poland. Apart from the historically good results in Czech Republic, Germany and Great Britain, we are achieving increasingly improved results in Belgium, Scandinavia and the USA.

G.P.: I would like to ask in depth about two markets. First, in the West and Germany. How do you manage with the rigours of this market?

T.G.: The western market is undoubtedly one of the most demanding. The clients there, as a as a rule, are conservative when it comes to choice of a supplier. Without the research conducted in the western certificating units, without the appropriate systems parameters, without the appropriate high quality products, it is difficult to function on these markets.

G.P.: And the East and Ukraine? How has the current situation affected the participation of the company on that market?

T.G.: Because of the events which are taking place in the east of our border, and particularly in the Ukraine, there was a fall in the first two quarters of 2014. The future of this market will depend on the direction in which the Ukrainian conflict develops, this has made it necessary for us to abandon services to the eastern part of Ukraine.

G.P.: What do you consider as potential markets, obviously as far as Aluprof is concerned? Is further expansion being currently considered?

T.G.: We are planning development on the Scandinavian markets, in Benelux, France and the USA. You should note that recently we took over a company in Denmark, and therefore we have a base from which to provide services for the Scandinavian market. We have also established a company in the USA, we are becoming increasingly active in Belgium, and shortly, in France.

G.P.: What does “manifesting a social conscience in business" signify nowadays ? Sporadic acts, in order to ease the conscience, or a clearly defined goal and strategy? Is it “worthwhile" to have a sense of responsibility towards society?

T.G.: As one of the companies in the Kęty Capital Group we operate a common strategy of Social Responsibility in Business. We co-finance activity of the “Fundacji Grupa Kęty Dzieciom Podbeskidzia”, which supports children in care of children’s homes to give them a better start in their adult life. Aluprof also tries to implement the concept of Social Responsibility of Businesses based on identifying the needs of shareholders, employees, clients, business partners, local communities and others. We have an obligation towards everybody but we also get satisfaction ourselves from our good relations with them. The main responsibility of business is towards other people. We are well aware also that our success would not be possible without the partnership of our clients. It’s because of contractors which we cooperate with that our products are used in various public buildings. Building such strong and open relations with the surrounding environment guarantees a harmonious development of the company and promotes a positive image.

G.P.: And just to end on a lighter note, a question on books. You like books particularly, as I read in one of the interviews, prose by Waldemar Łysiak. Do you find literature useful in your life and your profession, is it somewhat of a means to “leave work behind”, and pure enjoyment? What interesting books have you read lately?

T.G.: In my opinion you cannot isolate yourself from the current economic and political situation in Poland and around the world. I can easily relate to the manner in which Łysiak portrays this reality. As for reading for pleasure, top of the list in my library is fantasy. Very often books by Polish authors and not only by the “master" Sapkowski, but also the next generation of authors, such as Pilipiuk, Komoda or Piekar. Fantasy, very often within the frame of historic realities is for me easy reading and enjoyable.

G.P.: Thank you for the interview.
