
Get a quick and easy offer for venetian blinds and pergolas with Aluprof B2B Configurator

Considering the comfort of work of our business partners, we have extended the functionality of the Venetian Blinds Configurator with the possibility to price the MB-OPENSKY 140 pergola system. The development of our proprietary pricing platform also entailed a change of its name to Aluprof B2B Configurator.

Aluprof B2B Configurator is an intuitive online tool that in a simple and fast way allows to prepare an offer for the venetian blinds SkyFlow and pergola MB-OPENSKY 140 according to the necessary criteria. Moreover, the software allows to configure only compatible components and it enables the selection of appropriate colours and control elements from the Aluprof SA offer.

An unquestionable advantage of the Aluprof B2B Configurator is the complete automation of processes and the possibility of fast order processing due to integration with the internal systems of Aluprof SA. There is also an order status tracking function available for users. The programme also has an individual customer file, which allows to freely modify offers to your customers before placing the final order.

The Aluprof B2B Configurator has a very user-friendly interface and is fully responsive, so that quotes can also be prepared on mobile devices. And it is available in 10 languages, which will also allow to draft offers for the foreign customers. Aluprof SA is focusing on the development of new technologies, which are primarily aimed at facilitating the work of the Company's customers and, at the same time, automating processes related to order processing. Therefore, further development of the Aluprof B2B Configurator is planned, which will soon enable the valuation of other products from our offer as well.

We strongly encourage you to try the Aluprof B2B Configurator. Find out more information.
