
“Green” office building in Aluprof systems

We would like to present another example of passive building using Aluprof systems, which is the Business Park office building in the Upper Silesian Industrial Park in Katowice. It is the first “green” office building in Poland, which uses a tri-generation electricity, heat and chill production system. It is equipped with a fully integrated building management system (BMS), a specialist model heating system implemented at the design stage, combined with the continuous monitoring of thermal comfort and parameters related to operating costs, a high-performance heat recovery system, an air-conditioning system based on the heating and chilled beams, a window and curtain wall system with high thermal insulating power, an advanced curtain wall system with automatically controlled blinds, integrated with the illumination control system, and an energy-saving lighting system with illumination detectors, and more. The GPP Business Park office building was honoured in the CEE Green Building Awards competition.

The MB-70HI modern aluminium system, which is used for the construction of architectural internal development elements which require very good thermal and acoustic insulation and the MB-SR50 HI mullion and transom wall system with improved thermal insulation parameters obtained by using the PE insulator, which is characterised by very low thermal conductivity (lambda) and very good insulation parameters, were used in the building.
