Grupa Kęty - the most innovative company in the building industry

Grupa Kęty S.A. has been considered as the most innovative company in the building industry in the “Wprost” weekly survey. The justification says that the reward was granted for a courageous and efficient policy of investing in innovations.
The ceremony of awarding the commemorative statuettes took place on 4 October 2012 in the Lazienki Palace in Warsaw. The “Wprost” editorial staff justified the awarding as follows: “Out of all the analysed companies in the building industry, Grupa Kęty took the highest 52nd place in the list of 500 most innovative enterprises in Poland, which was developed by the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and became the point of departure for the study prepared by Wprost. In addition, the editorial staff appreciated the courageous and efficient policy of investing in innovations. In 2008, just before the crisis, Grupa Kęty received over PLN 6 million for building its own scientific and research centre. Thanks to the development of its own know-how and the launching of new products, the company increased its activity in new lines of business – not only in the building industry, but also in the automotive industry, packaging industry etc. In the end, it reached the record-breaking level of a turnover of one and a half billion and a net profit of PLN 114 million last year. All of this meant that the statuette was awarded just to Grupa Kęty.”
“At the age of growing competition on the international markets and faster and faster technological changes, only companies that focus on broadly defined innovativeness – new solutions that will reinforce their competitive position and at the same lead to an increase in their income base and cost rationalisation, have a chance for victory and the fastest development” – said Michał Kobosko, the chief editor of the WPROST, during the gala. In turn, according to Prof. Tadeusz Baczko from the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, the success of Polish companies is the effect of making effective use of EU subsidies. “Polish business received approx. EUR 10 billion for innovations from various operational programmes and funds. There have already been companies that were able to jump onto a significantly higher business level thanks to money received from the EU” – judged Prof. Baczko. And the example he gave was Grupa Kęty.