The GU-BKS series 18 single-point and series 19 multi-point panic locks are available for ALUPROF’s MB-45, MB-60, MB-60E, MB-70, MB-79N, MB86 and MB-86N systems and for the MB-104 Passive with BCDE panic functions.
As well as the standard version, series 18 offers the KIGA. The name originates from the German word ‘Kindergarten’ and the product is a solution designed for use in nursery schools. It features a handle installed at a height inaccessible to children.
Series 19 offers single-point locks and the multi-point SECURY locks. Both series are available in several versions, namely, standard, electrically coupled (EK) and electrically locking (EVP). In addition, the ADR multi-point version is designed for use in specialist burglar-resistant structures. The lock side can be freely adjusted to the right or left, creating a universal solution. The solution holds a Release Evaluation Report issued by notified body CERTBUD. The locks are available now in MB-CAD and will be accessible from Logikal by mid-June 2023.