
The European Medal for MB-86 system

We proudly announce that the new Aluprof MB-86 window/door system has been awarded with The European Medal, which is granted for products and services complying with European standards. This distinction indicates that the MB-86 system meets the required regulatory standards and holds the appropriate licences and patents. The company’s dynamics and the prizes and certificates  which have been received were an important factor influencing the  granting of the award.

The idea of the medal award is to distinguish and promote products and services offered by companies operating in the territory of Poland, stimulate interest in European standards and regulations effective in the European Union, stimulate interest in the multimillion EU market among Polish businessmen, stimulate interest of consumers and businessmen from EU countries in the European Medal winners.

The ceremony of awarding the European Medals (XXII issue) granted by the Business Centre Club and with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under the Honorary Patronage of the European Economic and Social Committee was held in the Grand Theatre – The Polish National Opera in Warsaw.

European Medal
