MB-78EI DPA Automatic sliding fire doors

Thermal insulation Uf

> 1,62 | W/(m2K)

Fire resistance classes

EI15, EI30

Our projects

  • The MB-78EI DPA system is used for internal or external fire barriers with automatic sliding single- or double- -leaf doors in the class EI15 or EI30. The applied motor allows the efficient and failure-free operation of doors with a leaf weight of up to 200 kg.

    Fire insulation elements are introduced into the internal chambers of the profiles as well as into the insulation spaces between the profiles, and additional insulation elements and intumescent strips are mounted on the external surfaces. In this system it is possible to use muntins. The construction technology is analogous to the base system; similarly as in [MB-78EI] (https://aluprof.com/producenci/oferta/systemy-okienno-drzwiowe/mb-78ei-przegrody-przeciwpozarowe-z-drzwiami-w-klasach-ei15-do-ei90#wizualizacja), fire resistance of doors and walls with doors is maintained both when exposed to fire from the outside and inside. The sliding door drive can be mounted on the system wall and on the masonry wall.
