MB-70SE Sectional window system

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  • 56 Fulton Street

    Lokalizacja: Nowy Jork
    Projekt: Goldstein, Hill & West Architects

    MB-70 SE sectional window system has been designed specifically for the American market. It allows the construction and fabrication of lightweight, infill curtain walls based on window segments. Wall structure consist of modules (segments) fabricated entirely in the manufacturing facility. The infill wall is finished with mounting profile (gutter, in the bottom part) and with expansion joint profile (in the upper part).

    Horizontal expansion joint that compensates the variable loadinduced ceilings’ deflections is made through an appropriate connection of upper mounting profile with the upper part of the segment to provide a flexible and independent operation of the system elements at ± 1 inch. Window sashes are fabricated using the SSG technology in order to have larger glass panes, while the windows themselves are not visible. The first building to use MB-70 SE system is a residential building located at 56 Fulton Street in the South Street Seaport, NYC. The building is 272 feet (82 m) high, has 23 floors and 128.500 square feet (11,9 K sq.m.) of surface area. It includes 120 apartments, commercial spaces on the ground floor, and facilities for residents, such as rooftop club, fitness studio and bicycle storage room.

    Technical parameters

    • Air permeability: 6.24 psf (standard: ASTM E283)
    • Water tightness: 15 psf; 5 gph/ft2 15 min (standard: ASTM E331 and AAMA 501.1)
    • Wind load resistance: +32 psf, -58 psf (standard: ASTM E 330)
    • Safety test – +48 psf, -87 psf (standard: ASTM E 330)

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