Yet another year has brought a series of successes for ALUPROF in terms of Polish economy ratings. The company’s hard work and development has been positively evaluated in three sets of classifications which are important to Polish businesses. ALUPROF’s strong position in construction industry ratings is evidence of its ongoing, high level of growth and its tried and trusted, top-quality products.
The Polish construction joinery sector manufactures the largest number of window and door systems in Europe. According to a report compiled by Centrum Analiz Brańżowych (Sectoral Analyses Centre) there has been a growth of as much as eighteen per cent in sales and exports of aluminium products since 2018. Windows produced from this material are considered to be premium goods of the highest quality. The aluminium joinery sector is developing dynamically. On March 2020, a record high in sales was recorded, despite the complications related to the coronavirus pandemic.
Diamond of the Polish Economy
‘Diamond of the Polish Economy’ is a title given to companies with a market value of more than ten million zloty. The Instytut Europejskiego Biznesu (European Business Institute), which was founded in 2005, introduced the ranking in 2008. For the past twelve years, it has analysed the financial results of more than eighty thousand businesses across the country in order to produce the listings of Poland’s largest companies in a given year.
In the 2019 listings, ALUPROF S.A. was one of the first fifty. A good strategy and diligence in introducing innovations has enabled the company to maintain its strong market position.
It is worth mentioning that ALUPROF has joined the Polish government’s Kupuj świadomie. Wybieraj PRODUKT POLSKI (Buyer, Be Aware and Purchase Polish) campaign, launching its own #kupijpolskie (purchasepolish) drive to support its sales partners. Through the initiative, the company hopes to play a part in the development of Polish manufacturers, architects and contractors by urging people to choose businesses underpinned by Polish capital for their projects.
As Bożena Ryszka, Marketing and PR Director for ALUPROF S.A. explains:
The growth of the windows and doors market is one of the priorities for this year’s #kupujpolskie campaign. We hope not only to show our support, but also to develop Polish aluminium joinery. Working with well-known, tried and tested suppliers is important to us and, thanks to our Polish sales partners, we fulfil our principles for the production of high-quality window and door systems.
The “Rzeczpospolita” 500 List
The 500 List compiled and published annually by daily broadsheet “Rzeczpospolita” is an analysis of the highest average growth in revenue amongst Poland’s five hundred largest companies. The 2020 list is based on business results for 2019. According to data published by Statistics Poland, the estimated slowdown of 3.4% is lower than forecast for this year.
ALUPROF S.A. once again features on the list and has ascending sixteen places in comparison to last year. The average growth for Polish companies is 7.9%, while ALUPROF recorded an increase of almost double that, at 14.5%.
The results of this year’s analysis show signs of an economic slowdown. The average growth in the construction industry was around 3.8%. Despite this, ALUPROF recorded increases in employment, in its share of exports and in its overall revenue for 2019. The fact that the company continues to maintain its high position means that the strategies it has implemented are working and that it is trusted by its clients.
In 2019, one of ALUPROF’s focuses was new solutions. Environmental protection and concern for its clients’ surroundings bore fruit in the establishment of Alu-Digital, a digitisation programme covering informational and technical material for the company’s entire product range. With a view to reducing the use of paper and production costs and to modernising documentation services for clients, the decision was taken to stop mass producing hard copies of the various ALUPROF catalogues. To this end, a digital library was set up. It holds files containing full technical data on the company’s products. This means that ALUPROF’s clients and sales partners have quick and easy access to the information they need and, at the same time, they are part of an ecological solution.
“WPROST” Magazine’s 200 Top Polish Companies
Weekly magazine “Wprost” (Direct) has published its 2020 listing of the two hundred largest companies. It has been six years since it last noted such a marked growth in sales among Polish businesses. ALUPROF S.A., with its focus on innovation and the first-class quality of its prestigious solutions, has maintained its high position in the “Wprost” ranking.
Bożena Ryszka, Marketing and PR Director for ALUPROF S.A., has said that:
We’re delighted that our clients have such enormous trust in us. We continually strive to ensure that our standards are as high as they can possibly be. Thanks to prestigious ratings and competitions like these, we know that our aims along the road to progress and high quality aluminium systems are working. What we want is a dynamically developing company and to drive for innovation.