
ROTO FS KEMPTON HARDWARE for outward-opening windows

We are pleased to announce that we have added ROTO FS KEMPTON outward-opening windows hardware to the range available for use with ALUPROF systems.

These interesting products have two basic functions. On the one hand, they limit the angle at which the window opens and, on the other hand, they ensure the stability of the open vent. The use of integrated friction hinges ensures that the position of the window vent is maintained at any open angle, regardless of wind conditions. In general, windows of this kind provide high airtightness performance because the force of the wind presses the vents against the frame.

Features of the ROTO FS KEMPTON hardware: 

  • new knife hinges; 
  • a high load-bearing capacity, to a maximum vent weight of 180 kg; 
  • a range of variants for top-hung tilt and side-hung turn windows; 
  • H3 class durability; up to 20,000 cycles;
  • class 5 corrosion resistance. 

The ROTO FS KEMPTON hardware is presented in the ALUPROF authorized zone, in our CATALOGUE FITTINGS 1 - WINDOWS - TECHNICAL PART, Hardware for windows / ROTO / FS Kempton section.

Detailed information can be found on the manufacturer's website
