
Let's build a better future! A letter from the CEO about ALUPROF’s rebranding

It gives us enormous pleasure to announce an event of great importance to our company's history... the rebranding of ALUPROF SA!

The company's rebranding is inherent to the new, long-term strategy for the entire Kęty Group. The strategy itself establishes that ecology, recycling, innovativeness, the development of products, services and processes which respond to the challenges of climate change and a sustainable approach to the company's growth will all play an even greater role than they have so far. The main ambition is to pursue climate neutrality and achieve it by 2050.

The fresh logo is complemented by a new motto, which encapsulates the company's guiding concepts: 'Let's build a better future'. The motto has also become the inspiration for this year's brand promotion campaign, 'Future Builders'. Details of the campaign will be revealed shortly.

The link below will take you to the English translation of a letter from Mr Tomasz Grela, our President of the Board. We'd certainly recommend reading it! Read the letter.

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