Social commitment

Corporate Social Responsibility
Social commitment

As one of the Grupa Kęty companies, at ALUPROF we put the concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainable development into practice by studying the world around us. We establish multifaceted relationships with a wide stakeholder group encompassing our shareholders, personnel, clients, business partners and the local community, and we keep their needs and requirements at the forefront of our minds. Forging extensive relationships like this is a guarantee of our company’s harmonious development and the way forward when it comes to building a positive image.

To Grupa Kęty in its entirety, being responsible stands for more than simply meeting every formal and legal requirement. It also means increased investment in human resources, environmental protection, and relationships with the surrounding world. In other words, it equates with voluntary engagement. In 2014, the group began the process of formalizing its previous activities in order to align them with global standards and procedural norms. Part of that process was the implementation of the PN-ISO 26000:2012 standard, which is intended to increase both the efficacy of Grupa Kęty’s decision-making tools and their integration with the systems and structures in place within the Group. In September 2014, the group began the process of joining the United Nations Global Compact initiative, meaning that it supports and applies the Ten Principles, which cover the spheres of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.

The Foundation

The Grupa Kęty Children of the Podbieskie Region Foundation

The foundation was established at the initiative of Grupa Kęty. Its main tasks are to extend care to children attending special education institutions and to raise awareness of foster family care.

