MB-SR50 IW Facade with integrated widow.

Thermal insulation Uf

1.82 | W/(m2K)

Our projects

  • Curtain wall system with a window opening inward and a frame not seen on the outside.

    In façades based on the mullion/transom system there can be applied different opining elements, such as inward or outward opening windows with a visible frame (MB-SR50 RT window), as well as awning windows with no frame on the outside, based on profiles of the structural system MB-SG50, opening outside.

    A novelty here, however is the construction in which the window opens inward but its external appearance is in no way from fixed glazing. Inside, the effect of aligned facing of mullions and transoms is achieved. Such window is structurally glazed – a window pane is glued to the sash profile, without a “step”. High aesthetic values of MB-SR-50 IW are not the only advantage of this solution, as the system also features high thermal insulation performance – the value of coefficient of heat transfer through the frame is Uf=1,82 W/m2K (for the standard version).

    This construction comes in three options: standard, with a flat strip and as a construction of EFEKT type.

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