
Aluprof celebrates world Green Building week

World Green Building Week (WGBW) is an annual campaign which aims to raise awareness of the impact green building has on combating climate change. This year’s WGBW runs from 23rd to 29th September and ALUPROF is joining the action with a specially developed educational campaign, 7/7: Seven Buildings for the Seven Days of the Week.

The 2019 WGBW sees companies and organisations from all over the world running initiatives under the #BuildingLife hashtag, providing everyone who explores them with information on how to create green, healthy, environments which are resistant to climatic conditions and serve people and nature alike. The campaign aims to raise awareness of carbon emissions during every phase of a building’s life cycle and, by the same token, to encourage people to turn their thoughts and actions towards reducing carbon emissions from buildings.

The WGBW is organised by the World Green Building Council (WGBC). The page devoted to the campaign on the council’s website tells us that:

(...) buildings and construction are responsible for 39% of global energy-related carbon emissions[.] 28% of these emissions come from the operational “in-use” phase – to heat, power and cool them, while 11% of these emissions are attributed to embodied carbon emissions, which refers to carbon that is released during the construction process and material manufacturing.

To date, the building and construction industry’s focus has been on operational emissions and how buildings actually perform in-use.

However, in order to fully decarbonise by 2050 to keep global warming to below 1.5 degrees, the building and construction sector must also tackle embodied emissions from the entire building lifecycle.

The ALUPROF Outlook on Green Building

For WGBW, ALUPROF has created 7/7: Seven Buildings for the Seven Days of the Week, an information campaign specially designed both to emphasise the role that ecological buildings play in sustainable development and to spread the word about green buildings and related multi-criteria assessment systems such as BREEAM, LEED, DGNB, HQE and WELL.

Aleksandra Baksik, ALUPROF’s Brand & Sustainable Management Manager, explains that:

Both our management philosophy and our products fit the concept of sustainable development. As far as our environmental policy is concerned, in addition to our regular, educational CSR activities, we have implemented both the ISO 14001 integrated environmental management system and the Global Reporting Initiative Standards [GRI] for sustainability reporting. Moreover, our door, window and façade systems hold independently confirmed environmental declarations that are recognised globally and those systems are utilised in prestigious projects all over the world. Let me give you just three superb examples of the many green buildings featuring ALUPROF systems; the Mennica Legacy Tower in Warsaw, the Green2Day building in Wrocław and 61 Ninth Avenue in New York.

Our campaign is addressed to everyone who is interested in green building, including our own employees and admirers of the ALUPROF brand. We will be launching and running it via Facebook, LinkedIn, the company’s website and in-house channels. So, do please join us and follow our 7/7. Seven Buildings for the Seven Days of the Week daily campaign posts from 23rd to 29th September!

ALUPROF’s partner in the campaign is the Polish Green Building Council, which is a member of the WGBC.

For further information, please see https://www.worldgbc.org/calen...
