

European Mobility Week is an initiative which was launched by the European Commission in 2002. Its primary purpose is to encourage people to change habits that are harmful to health and the environment. Good practice in this respect includes using public transport, cycling and car-pooling. This year, the campaign began on 16th September and ended on 22nd, which just happens to be World Car-Free Day!

ALUPROF SA is emphasising sustainable transport. Mind you, in the light of its own practices, it could be said that every week is sustainable transport week at the company!

Air-polluting vehicles are mainly a challenge for large cities. The substances present in exhaust gases are as harmful as industrial pollution. However, it is also worth remembering that large production facilities are rarely located in city centres, while the pollutants issuing forth from exhaust pipes emerge in high concentrations in the immediate vicinity of people. Also significant is the fact that cars are a major source of pollution, accounting for 60.7% of all CO2 emissions from road transport in Europe.

This is exactly why ALUPROF is investing in state-of-the-art vehicles; 40% of the company’s fleet is already made up of hybrid cars and further investment in this sphere is planned.

The company’s pro-sustainable transport activities go beyond its fleet of vehicles, with other Grupa Kęty initiatives playing a crucial role:

  • Each company in the group provides special parking spaces for cyclists;
  • Bicycles are used for internal and inter-departmental transport;
  • Collective transport is used to transport staff members to companies a considerable distance away.

This year’s European Mobility Week theme is ‘Safe and Healthy with Sustainable Mobility’. It pays tribute to the hardships that Europe ad the world have suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
