
Environmentally friendly ALMA TOWER office building uses Aluprof systems

The modern Alma Tower office building is being erected in Cracow. It is another energy-saving building which is constructed using Aluprof systems. Alma Tower was designed by the Austrian developer, UBM. The building will provide a class A office area of 10,000 m², out of which approx. 50% has already been rented out to Alma Market S.A. and its subsidiary companies. It is worth emphasising that the building has already obtained the LEED – CS 2009 pre-certificate at the top platinum level at the stage of construction. In accordance with the requirements of LEED certification, the design has provided for 50 parking places for bicycles, the construction of a changing room and showers for cyclists and six parking places for low-emission cars, among other things. Water consumption will be reduced in the building by 40% due to the use of suitable fittings. Energy consumption will also be significantly reduced (by 30%) – thanks to the use of an energy-saving curtain wall, high-performance lighting and HVAC systems as well as a motion detection system in toilets, corridors and garages. In accordance with the assumptions, the office building will emit 30 per cent less carbon dioxide than a conventional one.

In the project, the MB-SR 50 N HI and MB-SR50N EFEKT systems will be used. These systems are designed for the construction of lightweight flat curtain walls of a hanging and filling type, as well as roofs, skylights and other spatial constructions. The building will also use the MB-70 HI system. It is an aluminium system used to make exterior architectural elements that require very good thermal and sound insulation, e.g. windows and doors of different types, vestibules, showcases, and spatial constructions. It is available in a version with improved thermal insulating power which is obtained due to the use of special insulation inserts inside sections and under panes.

The construction of Alma Tower began in September last year and will probably be completed by May 2014.
