
The Best Annual Report 2010

It is a pleasure for us to inform you that the annual report of the Kęty Group was granted the following awards in The Best Annual Report 2010 competition:

Special award granted by the Individual Investors Association (Stowarzyszenie Inwestorów Indywidualnych) for the best annual report in the opinion of individual investors in the “The Best Annual Report 2010” competition. 

A distinction granted for the greatest usability of the annual report for shareholders and investors (it is the third award in this category in the 6 competitions held so far)

III place in the general qualification under the category of enterprise

While assessing the annual report of the Kęty Group, the Chapter of The Best Annual Report 2010 competition recorded: "Very well and clearly presented results with well-thought-out graphic design. Neat and consistent analysis of the market situation, the presentation of the development strategy until 2015, 2011 forecast and also the analysis of the strategy implementation in the current reporting period. Detailed and clear information for shareholders, a good report on the application of the corporate governance”.

The primary idea of the competition is to create recognized standards of drawing up annual reports according to IFRS/IAS, in accordance with good practices in this area and, by the same token, to promote companies drawing up best consolidated annual reports from the point of view of usability for shareholders and investors.

The following institutions took the patronage over the competition: the national Ministry of Treasury, the National Depository for Securities, Polish Association of Listed Companies and Business Centre Club. The Chapter of the competition is composed of representatives of auditing and consulting companies, finance institutions, organizations dealing with capital market and media.
