

ALUPROF is introducing more innovations to its range. This time, they appear in the company’s cutting-edge MB-SKYLINE TYPE R sliding door with a concealed frame. Its ultra-lightweight appearance is backed by some powerful technology.

Modern architecture often uses massive sweeps of glazing, giving buildings an elegant, metropolitan feel. They are a feature which is occurring with steadily increasing frequency in commercial and residential designs alike. Keeping a finger on the pulse, ALUPROF has responded to this trend by developing its portfolio of sliding systems in order to provide architects and users with even more freedom when it comes to uniting the interior of a home and its patio.

The innovative MB-SKYLINE TYPE R sliding door immediately brings even more possibilities into play. Thanks to its slender aluminium profiles, it looks incredibly light and yet the system can be used to produce a four-metre-long moving panel weighing up to 1200 kilograms. What makes it possible to attain such impressive parameters is the use of a concealed, up-to-the-minute motor.

Another innovative aspect of the system is the slender, symmetrical, mullion in a three-light structure with an operable central section, known as a type G, which is also available for the manually operated version. This means that the optimal layout and division of large-scale glazing can be chosen in line with the design and arrangement of each individual interior.

Securing trouble-free operation is essential when it comes to the large-scale dimensions offered by the MB-SKYLINE TYPE R. As ALUPROF Product Manager Michał Marcinowski explains:

Nowadays, it’s very common for buildings to be optimised in terms of the consumption of materials and the rigidity of the load-bearing structures. At the same time, in some situations, the suppliers of large-scale fenestration products have to deal with the possibility of ceilings buckling over window and door structures. ALUPROF offers a custom-designed, compensating profile, complete with thermal break. It attaches the structure securely to the ceiling, preventing it from exerting pressure on the door frame. This allows large-scale, sliding structures to be used safely regardless of the conditions they’re operating under.

Yet another major advantage of the MB-SKYLINE TYPE R is its concealed frame. In conjunction with the slender profiles, this provides users with a panoramic view, creating the overall impression that the door barely constitutes a barrier at all between the building and its surroundings. Yet more value for users comes from the more extensive, and longer, access to daylight offered by the system. Its sheer potential opens up a previously unheard-of freedom to use large-scale, operable glazing in contemporary buildings, meeting the expectations of even the most demanding of users.
